Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Art of Blessing

This was sent to me by a Sufi brother and I thought it would an appropriate video to share right after writing about generosity. I was raised Catholic and when I was younger I had the misconception that only a religious person could bless another. I found it strange and out of place when I first saw a lay person give a blessing – without calling on god, but from herself - from her heart. I though it was very bold and that maybe she did not have the right to give blessings.

Many years later, I feel very differently about this. A blessing comes from the heart. It is a gift to both the giver and the receiver. It is an instrument that can bring love, peace and joy into the world. So from my heart to yours – I bless you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made me cry!

Blessed be