Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ya Azim, Ya Haqq, Ya Fattah, Hu

The retreat in North Carolina was an experience in grace, bringing those present closer to the essence. Ya Azim, Ya Haqq, Ya Fattah, Hu... this was one of the several alchemical formulas that we practiced on the retreat. In Ya Azim, one recognizes the divine image in another by bringing this into ones own being. This is followed by Ya Haqq, the unveiling of ones heart, lovingly exposing ones true being. Ya Fattah represents opening the door to the heart and embracing the divine presence in the form of the person before you. With Hu, both beings look into each others eyes and acknowledge that through this practice the Divine is more present. This is not very different from what Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)

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